tenure track position

Elizabeth Schultz schultz at uleth.ca
Mon Aug 21 17:36:23 EST 2000

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Lethbridge,
Alberta, Canada, seeks applications for Two Assistant Professors,
probationary (tenure-track) beginning July 2001, subject to budgetary

Preference will be given to individuals with demonstrated research
strengths in the fields of: 1) plant molecular biology, plant fungal
interactions, plant pathology, or agricultural biotechnology for one
position; and 2) cell and molecular biology and/or genetics for the
other. Individuals doing research relating to cell structure and
function, cell physiology, virology, immunology, molecular genetics, or
developmental biology are encouraged to apply.

The successful applicants will be required to teach upper and lower
level courses in areas such as molecular and cellular biology, genetics
and biotechnology, including introductory courses in Cellular Basis of
Life and/or Diversity of Life. Opportunities exist for the supervision
of Graduate students and for research collaborations with scientists on
campus as well as at Federally-supported research facilities in
agriculture, human and animal health. Biological research at the
University is supported by a number of excellent facilities including
electron and confocal microscopy, a new phytotron, an ABI automated DNA
sequencer, NMR and mass spectroscopy.

The University aspires to hire individuals who have demonstrated
considerable potential for excellence in teaching, research and
scholarship, and especially those who have well-established research
programs. The University is an equal opportunity employer and offers a
non-smoking environment. New Faculty are eligible to apply for
university funding in support of research and scholarly activities.

Lethbridge is an attractive city of 70,000 situated in Southern Alberta,
close to National Parks and Wilderness areas of the Rocky Mountains and
Cypress Hills. Founded in 1967, the University focuses on excellence in
undergraduate programs and has an enrollment of over 6,000 students. The
University is in an expansion phase and, among other projects, is
building a $37-million Library Information Network Centre (LINC). For
more information about the University please visit our web site at

A Ph.D. is required. Post-doctoral and teaching experience are assets.
In accordance with Canadian Immigration Regulations, this advertisement
is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, transcripts, outlines of
courses previously taught, teaching evaluations and publication reprints
or preprints, a statement of teaching philosophy, a statement of
proposed research, and names of at least three referees who are scholars
in the field. Send this material and arrange for the letters of
reference to be mailed directly to: Dr. John Bain, Chair, Department of
Biological Sciences, The University of Lethbridge, 4401 University
Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4. Telephone: (403) 329-2245, Fax:
(403) 329-2082, or E-mail: bain at uleth.ca.

The closing date for applications is October 16, 2000.


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