Some of the ade2 alleles used as markers can be found in the table of
Commonly Used Auxotrophic Markers at SGD (although it doesn't have a
reference for the exact sequence of the ade2-101 allele). The URL is
To find in vitro assays, you could try searching PubMed for the enzymes
SAICAR synthase (Ade1p) and AIR carboxylase (Ade2p). The PubMed URL is
I hope this helps.
Midori Harris, Ph.D., Database Curator
Saccharomyces Genome Database
Stanford University Medical Center
Department of Genetics
Stanford, CA 94305-5120 USA
phone: (650)725-8956 fax: (650)723-7016
e-mail: yeast-curator at genome.stanford.edu
WWW: http://genome-www.stanford.edu/
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 9 Aug 2000 02:09:31 +0100
> From: Linda Silveira <silveira at jasper.uor.edu>
> To: yeast at net.bio.net> Newsgroups: bionet.molbio.yeast
> Subject: ade mutant sequences
>> Does anyone know the exact sequence alterations in any common
> mutant alleles of ade1 and ade2 (e.g., ade2-101)?
>> Also, is there an (easy?) in vitro enzyme assay for either Ade1p or Ade2p?
>> Thanks,
>> Linda Silveira
>> Associate Professor
> University of Redlands
> 1200 E. Colton Ave.
> Redlands CA 92373-0999
>>silveira at uor.edu>>>> ---
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