YEAST/bionet.molbio.yeast charter (monthly posting)

Francis Ouellette francis at cmmt.ubc.ca
Thu Aug 3 04:33:34 EST 2000


USENET newsgroup name:  bionet.molbio.yeast

Status:                 Moderated

One line Description:   Molecular Biology and Genetics of Yeast

Moderation address:     yeast at net.bio.net

                        (yeast-moderator at net.bio.net
                         is an alias for yeast at net.bio.net)

Moderator:              Francis Ouellette

Mailing list name:      YEAST

E-mail addresses:       yeast at net.bio.net

Newsgroup Charter:

bionet.molbio.yeast is a forum for scientific discussions and a source
of information for the community of scientist interested in any aspect
of the molecular biology and genetics of yeast. These will mostly deal
with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe but
discussions involving other Ascomycota species are welcome. Readers
should nonetheless be aware that there is an emphasis with the
afore mentioned species.

Functions of the Newsgroup: To provide a forum for the exchange and
diffusion of information concerning yeast molecular biology and yeast
genetics in general.  This will take place via the exchange of
available information about yeast people, meetings, symposia,
workshops, and positions in laboratories (fellowships). To provide a
forum for discussions of scientific nature, queries about protocols,
strains, plasmids, vectors, nomenclature and yeast genome project

The newsgroup will provide a forum for discussions of problems, old and
new ideas, journal publications, and recent developments in yeast
molecular biology and genetics.  The newsgroup will also provide
sources of practical advice, methodologies, answers to frequently asked
questions concerning understanding of the yeast cell.

Subscribers are welcome from universities or any academic institutions,
government agencies, medical institutions, and industrial or commercial
organizations.  Contributions within the functions outlined above are
encouraged from all.

Moderation Policy: The change of status of this newsgroup to
moderation is to deal with inappropriate messages posted to this
newsgroup, and not to stifle scientific inquiries or yeast curiosity.
Mass-posted commercial messages, chain letters, and similar postings
not germane to yeast biology (in the largest sense) will be deleted
without comment.  Inappropriate messages posted in good faith will be
returned to the sender (e.g. request for subscription information will
receive appropriate instructions, as they do now).  Messages not
strictly within the charter but likely to be of interest to some
subscribers (e.g., messages dealing with certain aspects of yeast in
the brewing industry, the use of yeast for a highschool science
project or medical questions about yeast infections) will be accepted
and posted to the group.

Use of the newsgroup for commercial purposes is prohibited, in 
agreement with the BIOSCI charter.

| B.F. Francis Ouellette                      Tel: (604) 875-3815 | 
| Director, Bioinformatics Core Facility      Fax: (425) 740-6978 | 
| CMMT, UBC, Canada                        http://www.cmmt.ubc.ca | 
| francis at cmmt.ubc.ca                http://www.bioinformatics.ca |


YEAST bionet newsgroup see: http://www.bio.net/hypermail/YEAST/
YEAST e-mail: messages sent to yeast at net.bio.net
subscribe: e-mail biosci-server at net.bio.net with: subscribe yeast
unsubscribe: e-mail biosci-server at net.bio.net with: unsubscribe yeast
YEAST on the WWW: http://genome-www.stanford.edu/Saccharomyces/VL-yeast.html
problems with the YEAST newsgroup? E-mail the moderator: francis at cmmt.ubc.ca

More information about the Yeast mailing list

Send comments to us at biosci-help [At] net.bio.net