cell width in S. pombe

Steve Ingram Ingram at bioc09.v19.uthscsa.edu
Thu Nov 4 14:55:09 EST 1999

Hello all
I am interested in finding any references that specifically discuss cell
width in S. pombe.  Most papers on cell size seem to stress cell length, not
width.  Anything about any mutants or overexression strains which display
altered cell width would be great.

Also, I am looking for references about the concentration of ATP, ADP, and
AMP in S. pombe.  Anyone know where I might find these values?  Thanks

Steve Ingram
Department of Biochemistry
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX 78284-7760
Ingram at Biochem.uthscsa.edu

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