Post-Doc Position for someone in Insect Virus Genomics

Les Willis willisl at EM.AGR.CA
Wed Dec 8 18:38:12 EST 1999

Post-Doctoral Fellow:  Insect Virus Genomics

A post-doctoral position is available  for baculovirus genomics.  This
will include  completion of the sequence of at least three baculovirus genomes, 
and the analysis and data extraction from those genomes.  This will  be combined 
with expression analysis of viral genomes and/or functional analysis of  unique 
genes that are identified.  The position depending on when it is filled will 
be 2-3 years in duration.  The applicant must have acquired a Ph. D. within 
the last 5 years to be eligible for applying for a NSERC visiting fellowship in a 
Federal government laboratory.  (http://www.nserc.ca/programs/schol3_e.htm)

Qualifications: Graduation within the last 5 years with an acceptable doctoral 
degree from a recognized university in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, or biochemistry.  
Research experience in general molecular biology techniques and cell culture plus 
experience in utilizing bioinformatics to extract molecular genetic information from 
local and international databases; in designing and implementing molecular or 
genomic databases.  Evidence of authorship of published papers

Interested applicants should resume with the names of three references with 
phone numbers and email addresses to 

Dr. David Theilmann
Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0
Tel: 250-494-6395
E-Mail: TheilmannD at em.agr.ca 

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