Candida Milleri Yarrow

Mark Preston emarkpreston1948 at my-deja.com
Wed Dec 8 00:56:15 EST 1999

  David Lloyd-Jones <icomm5 at netcom.ca> wrote: steal the yeast of San
Francisco Steam Beer, likewise a crime for which the punishment is death
first, eternal

Dear Sir:

While a genuine newcomer to this (rather scientific) forum for a brain
the size of mine, and in contradistinction to those "amateurs" trying
to make (i.e. emulate) Old Fashioned Pacific Slope San Francisco
Sourdough French Bread (of which more later) I have not just access to
but permission to use (non-commercial purposes only) Fritz Maytag's
Anchor Steam Beer yeast. As a home brewer I have won prizes for my
brews. No I can't share any of the yeast with you. My relationship with
Maytag was a long and hard fought battle, but I feel I have his trust
somewhat and value it as a prized possession.

On towards bread:

Rather than recite "invective" about death, do you by chance (or
otherwise) know anything about the taxonomy of Candida Milleri Yarrow?
And how about Lactobacillus Sanfranciscensis? I need to know the
varieties of the L. SanFran. What would best feed the Milleri? How much
amalyase, minerals, temperature? Do rye or caraway seeds contain some of
these organisms?

Meanwhile, Sir, please respond to my original post, so that the
newsgroup tracking service can help me follow-up on real information.
Thank you.
Mark Preston
Author of
California Mission Cookery
et alia

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
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