postdoc position open

biosci-request at net.bio.net biosci-request at net.bio.net
Thu Aug 26 03:35:02 EST 1999

Postdoctoral Position
Laboratory of Genetics
University of Wisconsin-Madison

A postdoctoral position is available starting immediately to study 
the role of ARG1 and ARG1-like proteins in the transduction of gravitropic 
signals in Arabidopsis thaliana. For more information on the research area see: 

Sedbrook, Chen and Masson (1999) ARG1 (Altered Response to Gravity) 
encodes a DnaJ-like protein that potentially interacts with the 
cytoskeleton. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 1140-1145

Chen, Rosen and Masson (1999). Gravitropism in higher plants. 
Plant Physiol. 120: 343-350

This project is part of a broader research program aimed at characterizing 
the molecular mechanisms by which Arabidopsis thaliana roots utilize 
mechanical information in their environment to control the pattern 
of their growth. General information on the overall program, including 
a list of recent publications, can be found at:


The University of Wisconsin - Madison is a first class research university 
with a large and interactive group of scientists focusing on Arabidopsis 
(http://www.wisc.edu/atg/index.html). It is situated in Madison, rated 
as "one of the best livable cities in America". Interested candidates 
should send a resume and the names and addresses of three references to 
Dr. Patrick H. Masson, Laboratory of Genetics, University of 
Wisconsin-Madison, 445 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706, or contact him 
by e-mail (phmasson at facstaff.wisc.edu).

Patrick H. Masson
Associate Professor
Laboratory of Genetics (rm. 3264)
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706

Tel.:  (608)-265-2312
Fax:  (608)-262-2976
E-mail:  phmasson at facstaff.wisc.edu

 (note the change of e-mail address)

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