strain MKP-O

J. Casey Lippmeier gene1 at clark.net
Wed Jul 22 07:55:45 EST 1998

I have an S. cerevisiae strain auxotrophic for several amino and nucleic
acids (off the top of my head, ade-, ura-, trp-, leu-, lys-, and his- (I
may be forgetting one)).  I acquired it from someone who got it from the
guy next door to him at his old lab who got it from his collaborator... 
you know the rest.  My question is, does anyone recognize this strain by
this name and do you know it's origianl source?  I'm just using it to test
a library I've made to see if it's capable of doing any kind of
complementations at all and would like to reference the strain to it's
original creator.

Thank you,

J. Casey Lippmeier

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