Postdoctoral position - fission yeast cell cycle

Matthew O'Connell matthewoc at res.petermac.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Jan 5 20:11:25 EST 1998

A NHMRC funded postdoctoral position is available to study a fission yeast
homologue of the NIMA protein kinase, fin1, in the Cell Cycle Control
Laboratory, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institite.

Our preliminary experiments have shown that:
*Fin1 functions in the regulation of chromatin condensation
*Fin1 interacts with other proteins involved in chromatin organisation
*The abundance of Fin1 is cell cycle regulated, peaking in mitosis, and is
regulated by PEST sequences within the protein.

The successful candidate will extend these studies on Fin1 function and
regulation. They must hold (or soon to) a Ph.D. with experience in areas
such as:

*Yeast Genetics
*Protein Biochemistry
*Basic Molecular Biology
*Cell Biology

Salary is in accordance with NHMRC salary scales.

The Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute is located in Melbourne, Australia.
The research division is located within a specialist cancer hospital. Under
the direction of Joseph Sambrook, the research division is undergoing a
period of rapid expansion (currently 130 people) and presents a vibrant
environment for research.  The Cell Cycle Control Laboratory, headed by Dr.
Matthew O'Connell, has interests in the control of the G2/M transition in
fission yeast and mammalian cells. Other groups in the Institute are
actively working in related areas such as regulated proteolysis of cell
cycle proteins and phosphorylation dependent signal transduction in
development and cell proliferation, thus giving
a large degree of technical expertise and scope for collaboration.

Applications, either by mail, fax or email, must include:

*Detailed CV
*Statement of research interests
*Contact details for 3 referees

Matthew J. O'Connell, Ph.D.
Trescowthick Research Laboratories
Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute
Locked Bag 1
A'Beckett Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: +61 3 9656 1747 (Office)          +61 3 9656 1283 (lab)

Fax:    +61 3 9656 1411

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