Restriction Analysis

Yeast Curator curator at genome.stanford.edu
Fri Feb 13 17:43:07 EST 1998

The Saccharomyces Genome Database has recently released a new restriction
analysis service, called Yeast Genome Restriction Analysis.  The URL is: 


Yeast Genome Restriction Analysis allows you to perform a restriction
enzyme analysis on either S. cerevisiae sequences in SGD or on any
sequence you chose to paste or type into the form.  It allows selection of
enzymes by type of end produced (blunt, 5' overhang, etc.).  Yeast Genome
Restriction Analysis also reports which enzymes do not cut the sequence. 

This program (and others) is available via the SGD home page at: 


>From the SGD staff

 Saccharomyces Genome Database
 Stanford University Med. Ctr.
 Department of Genetics
 Stanford, CA 94305-5120 USA
 phone: (650)725-8956  fax: (650)723-7016
 e-mail:   yeast-curator at genome.stanford.edu
 WWW:   http://genome-www.stanford.edu/

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