Postdoctoral Fellowship--DNA replication in S. pombe

Joel Huberman huberman at acsu.buffalo.edu
Wed Feb 4 15:01:13 EST 1998

Postdoctoral Position in Eukaryotic DNA Replication

     A postdoctoral research position is available starting in March,
1998, for studies on DNA replication origins and the initiation of DNA
replication in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. S. pombe
replication origins are good models for those in animal cells, but are
easier to study.

     Experience in biochemistry, molecular biology and/or yeast genetics
is preferred, and a strong desire to participate in elucidating the
mechanism of initiation of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells is
required. Preference will be given to candidates who can begin work
before May, 1998. Salary will be based on years of postdoctoral
experience, according to the current NIH scale for postdoctoral

     The research will be carried out in the laboratory of Dr. Joel
Huberman at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) in Buffalo, New York.
More can be learned about current research in Dr. Huberman's lab by
accessing its WWW site at http://mcbio.med.buffalo.edu/jh.html. RPCI is
one of the world's leading cancer research centers. It maintains strong
programs in eukaryotic DNA replication, eukaryotic transcriptional
regulation, and mammalian genetics. Located on the shore of Lake Erie
close to Niagara Falls, Buffalo is an attractive small city with an
unusually low cost of living and ample year-round recreational

     Applicants should send a CV, a letter describing personal research
interests, and the names, mail addresses, e-mail addresses, FAX and
telephone numbers of at least 3 people who can provide references to:

Dr. Joel A. Huberman
Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, NY  14263
716-845-3047  (phone)
716-845-8126  (FAX)
huberman at acsu.buffalo.edu

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