In article <espinoza.859230092 at>, espinoza at
(Hernan Espinoza) wrote:
> Albert Spielmann <Albert.spielmann at> writes:
>> >I'm working with the two-hybrid system from Clontech.
> >The yeast strains are CG1945 and Y190. Both have a ura3-52 deletion.
> >Normally they can't grow without uracil. But as said in the supplier's
> >protocol, it must grow!! Why?
>> Your question is a bit ambiguous, under what conditions must the
> strains grow? I'm not familiar with the Clonetech system, but I would
> wager it's to select for a URA3 marker on a plasmid...
>> -Hernan
Let's clear up a misconception right now. ura3-52 is NOT a deletion; it's
a Ty insertion in the URA3 coding region.
Michael Lichten
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