New Saccharomyces Sequences 03/13/97
SGD Sequences
Thu Mar 13 07:13:36 EST 1997
=========== Updated Features/Annotations =============
SC130KBXV X94335 129528bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
S.cerevisiae 130kb DNA fragment from chromosome XV.
ARS; delta element; delta remnant; open reading frame; tRNA-Asn;
tRNA-Asp; tRNA-Gly; YOR2964c; YOR3116w; YOR3120w; YOR3124w; YOR3141c;
transfer RNA-Asn; YOR3151w; YOR3154c; YOR3157c; YOR3160w; YOR3162c;
YOR3165w; YOR3170c; YOR3172w; YOR3174c; YOR3177w; YOR3180c; YOR3182c;
YOR3189w; YOR3193c; YOR3205w; YOR3211c; YOR3214w; YOR3220w; YOR3224w;
YOR3227w; YOR3231w; YOR3234w; YOR3237w; YOR3240w; YOR3244w; YOR3248w;
YOR3251c; YOR3254c; YOR3258w; YOR3263w; YOR3266c; YOR3269w; YOR3275c;
YOR3278c; YOR3281c; YOR3284c; YOR3287c; YOR3290w; YOR3293c; YOR3296c;
YOR3299c; tRNA-Asp; transfer RNA-Asp; YOR3311c; YOR3314w; YOR3317w;
YOR3320w; YOR3326w; YOR3329c; YOR3332c; YOR3339w; YOR3348c; YOR3352w;
tRNA-Gly-sup; transfer RNA-Gly-sup; YOR3367w; YOR3373c; YOR3510c;
SC9934 Z48612 34586bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
S.cerevisiae chromosome IV cosmid 9934.
adenylate; 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase; aconitate dehydratase; ADR1;
Adr1p; RAD9; Rad9p; H2B1; H2b1p; H2A1; H2a1p; ADK1; Adk1p; SIR4; Sir4p;
HEM1; Hem1p.
SCE9537 U18778 66030bp DNA PLN 12-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome V cosmids 9537, 9581, 9495, 9867, and
lambda clone 5898.
MNN1; alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase; YER002W; Yer002wp; PMI40;
mannose-6-phosphate isomerase; YER004W; Yer004wp; YER005W; Yer005wp;
YER006W; Yer006wp; PAC2; Pac2p; YER007C-A; Yel007c-ap; SEC3; Sec3p;
NTF2; Nuclear Transport Factor 2; YER010C; Yer010cp; TIR1; Tir1p;
tRNA-Glu; PRE1; 22.6 kDa subunit of proteinase yscE; PRP22; pre-mRNA
splicing factor RNA helicase; HEM14; protoporphyrinogen oxidase; FAA2;
Long-chain fatty acid CoA ligase; BIM1; Microtubule-Binding Protein;
AFG3; Afg3p; YER018C; Yer018cp; YER019W; Yer019wp; SEB2; Seb2p; GPA2;
nucleotide binding regulatory protein; SUN2; proteosome subunit; SRB4;
transcription factor; PRO3; delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase;
YER024W; Yer024wp; GCD11; subunit gamma of translational initiation
factor; eIF2; ; tRNA-His; CHO1; phosphatidylserine synthetase; GAL83;
glucose repression protein; YER028C; Yer028cp; YER029C; Yer029cp;
YER030W; Yer030wp; YPT31; Ypt31p; FIR1; Fir1p; CEN5.
SCPOS18 X83571 911bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
S.cerevisiae RPE gene.
rep gene; Ribulose-5-phosphate-epimerase; RPE;
SCU43608 U43608 4259bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisiae multicopy suppressor of los1-1 (SOL1) gene and
para-aminobenzoate synthase (ABZ1) gene, complete cds.
ABZ1; Abz1p; SOL1; Sol1p.
SCU46559 U46559 2194bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisiae multicopy suppressor of los1-1 (SOL2) gene,
complete cds.
SOL2; Sol2p.
SCU46560 U46560 2275bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisiae weak multicopy suppressor of los1-1 (SOL3) gene,
complete cds.
SOL3; Sol3p.
SCYJL121C Z49396 1328bp DNA PLN 11-MAR-1997
S.cerevisiae chromosome X reading frame ORF YJL121c.
YSCCDC10A L16549 1466bp DNA PLN 12-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisaie cell division cycle protein (CDC10) gene,
complete cds.
CDC10; cell division cycle protein.
YSCCDC11A L16550 2101bp DNA PLN 12-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisaie cell division cycle protein (CDC11) gene,
complete cds.
CDC11; cell division cycle protein.
YSCCDC12A L16551 2009bp DNA PLN 12-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisaie cell division cycle protein (CDC12) gene,
complete cds.
CDC12; cell division cycle protein.
YSCCDC3A L16548 2569bp DNA PLN 12-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisaie cell division cycle protein (CDC3) gene,
complete cds.
CDC3; cell division cycle protein.
YSCPSL1 L22204 5019bp DNA PLN 12-MAR-1997
Saccharomyces cerevisiae profilin synthetic lethal (PSL1) gene, complete
PSL1; Psl1p.
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