
Karthi Ramachandran karthi at deakin.edu.au
Tue Oct 22 17:55:48 EST 1996

In article <3266AF91.57B7 at cctr.umkc.edu>, Antony Cooper <coopera at cctr.umkc.edu> wrote:
>Has anyone done a Southern in a ura3-52 strain probing with URA3?  I 
>cut the genomic DNA with HindIII and expected the classic 1.1 kb 
>HindIII URA3 band but I now understand that the ura3-52 mutation is in 
>fact a ~6 kb TY insertion and this would probably explain my 
>unexpected band size (smaller than 1.1 + ~6.0 kb).  I have attempted 
>to determine if the Ty element has a HindIII site within it but the 
>few Ty1 elements I've downloaded don't appear to contain a HindIII 
>site. If anyone can shed some light on what bands to expect I'd 
>appreciate it. Thanks. Antony Cooper.

Hi ,

Look up the paper

Identification of a Ty within the coding seq of the S. c URA3 gene
Gen Genet 1984 193:557-560

They did southerns on URA3 and URA3-52 strains probed with Ura3 or Ura3-52. 
But theit digests were with Bam HI or XhoI

Hope this helps

Good Luck

Karthi . R

Karthikeyan Ramachandran Ph.D
Research Fellow, Rm. No. SA136
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology	Phone (Off) (052) 271 406
Deakin University			Phone (Res) (052) 471 806
Geelong, Victoria			Fax ()52) 272 022
Australia 3217				e-mail karthi at deakin.edu.au
Home page				http://www.deakin.edu.au/~karthi/

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