ZIP1 / errors in the genome sequence

Mike Cherry cherry at fafner.Stanford.EDU
Wed May 22 09:48:34 EST 1996

In article <31A23B90.1908 at pt.cyanamid.com>,
Sanford Silverman  <silvermans at pt.cyanamid.com> wrote:
>	My favorite gene is not found in a search at Stanford.  However, I know it exists since 
>someone sequenced a region that contains it and published the sequence.  It has just not been 
>incorporated yet from "genbank", was not part of the genome project, or something else.  I'm not 
>sure if this is another instance of what your problem is, but I thought at this point it was worth 

If your favorite gene is not in the genomic sequence please tell us
(SGD, MIPS, NCBI, the yeast community, etc.)  the details.  Hopefully
you will know at least the map location and some DNA sequence.  The
complete DNA sequence as has been released to the public is available
from the SGD BLAST server, the data set is named genoSc.  The ZIP1
gene was found with some detective work by the group sequencing that
region after the report of its map location.  If your gene has not
been mapped please try to place it on the genetic map, or one of the
physical map clone sets.  This will greatly help in the process to try
and resolve this type of problem.


J. Michael Cherry                       Internet: cherry at genome.stanford.edu
Department of Genetics                  Stanford University School of Medicine
Medical Center, Room M311               Stanford, California  94305-5120
Voice: 415-723-7541                     FAX: 415-723-7016

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