ZIP1: AWOL from genome

Francis Ouellette francis at BORDUAS.NLM.NIH.GOV
Mon May 20 09:37:44 EST 1996

On May 20,  5:01, Ken Wolfe wrote:

> The ZIP1 gene (GenBank accession number L06487) is missing from the
> Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome sequence!  There's nothing remotely
> resembling it on any of the 16 sequenced chromosomes.  One of the TIGR
> yeast EST sequences (T38124) from strain X2180-1A matches the original
> GenBank entry, so it seems to be a bona fide yeast gene.  ZIP1 has been
> characterised in detail (i.e., 3 Cell papers) and encodes a "synaptonemal
> complex protein required for meiotic chromosome synapsis", which doesn't
> sound like something that might be variably present in different strains.
> Any suggestions?

This is an interesting observation Ken.

fyi, I note that there is info in L06487 that says taht ZIP1
should be on chromosome IV, which has not been released
fully annotated yet.  But I agree with you that it should be
somewhere in the yeast genome.  I think it should be fair to state
that there will be updates and corrections to come, in the months
and years to come!  (although the people who sequenced the yeast
genome probably do not want to hear this!)

we'll see ... I, like many others, await for the fully annotated
records to be deposited in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank ...

     CDS             281..2908
                     /product="ZIP1 protein"

regards to all,


| B.F. Francis Ouellette
| GenBank
| francis at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

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