Yeast with plasmids die ?

Yang, Doo Suck microbe at DONALD.HANHYO.CO.KR
Mon May 20 01:27:16 EST 1996

-- [ From: Yang, Doo Suck * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

I have some agar plates steaked with recombinant S. cerevisiae.
I have no experience that S. cerevisiae die rapidly at 4°. Usually
microorganisms, including yeasts, 
do not die at low temperature. But just stay in dormant phase.

By the way I observed that recombinant plasmid can be cured(?) - i'm not
sure its really cured. anyway it
does'nt work if agar plates kept at 4°C for a long time (above one month)

                                         Yang, Doo Suck
			Reserach Scientist
			Hanhyo insitutes of Technology


Hi yeastnetters,
I had some troubles recently to grow new cultures (cerevisiae) from 
old (about one month) liquid cultures conserved at 4°C. Someone told 
me that cerevisiae would die rapidly at 4°C (on plates or in liquid) 
when they contain a plasmid !???
Does anyone out there know this story; any informations about this ?
Any solution ?

Guillaume Stahl, France

Hanhyo Institutes of Tehchnology
Fermentation Lab. Research Scientist
Yang, Doo Suck

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