Cdc/CDC list sought

Cathy Ball ball at GENOME.STANFORD.EDU
Fri Aug 9 09:06:59 EST 1996

Dear Kelly,

You can get a list of CDC genes from the Saccharomyces Genome Database 
(http://genome-www.stanford.edu).  The SGD is the gene name registry 
for the yeast community.  Simply go to our Web site, do a gene name 
search for "cdc*" and you'll be in business.  You can find information 
about phenotypes, gene products, sequences and mapping, as well 
as a pretty extensive set of annotated references for each gene.

In addition, there are several other Web sites that can be informative, 
such as Entrez (http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Entrez/) for references and 
nucleotide and protein sequences, or YPD 
(http://quest7.proteome.com/YPDhome.html) for an excellent summary of 
protein characteristics.


Cathy Ball
Database Curator
Saccharomyces Genome Database
yeast-curator at stanford.edu

On 9 Aug 1996, KELLY THOME wrote:

> Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a list of the CDC/cdc genes? 
> Book, article, web site, wall chart :-)    There are just way too many of them
> and I keep getting confused (not that I don't do that easily enough, mind
> you...)  Any help will be gratefully received!  Thanks!
> Kelly Thome PhD				kmorris1 at opal.tufts.edu
> Pathology Department
> Brigham and Women's Hospital            
> Boston, MA 02115 

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