> > From: garrisonp at uthscsa.edu ("Preston Garrison")
>> > The sequence of YIp351 is in Genbank (L14756). The ref is Yeast 2:163-167
> > 1986. (The year of the ref. as given in Genbank is wrong.)
>> We'll fix it ...
I should add, that all type of problems/mistakes and updates you catch
while perusing the nucleotide databases should be forwarded to one
of the three DNA sequence databases. They will forward it to the
appropriate database (only EBI works on EMBL records, DDBJ on
DDBJ records, and NCBI on GenBank records) ... We (all 3) catch a lot
of things, but users do as well (case in point here). Corrections
that affect protein records are then passed on to the protein databases
(Swiss-Prot, PIR/MIPS, GenPept).
EMBL/EBI update at ebi.ac.uk
DDBJ/DDBJ ddbjupdt at ddbj.nig.ac.jp
GenBank/NCBI update at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
regards to all,
| B.F. Francis Ouellette
||francis at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov