yeast protein database?

Mark Johnston mj at SEQUENCER.WUSTL.EDU
Tue Jan 3 10:31:42 EST 1995

Hi buddies,

        Arnoud Kal asked:

> how can I search NCBI and EMBL for yeast proteins only?

        If you have access to the WWW, you can search a yeast-only database
of sequences at:     


It's near the bottom of the  page, under a section entitled "Candida
resources,"  where it says:  "Compare a DNA or protein query to
Saccharomyces sequences using blast."


        Mark Johnston
        Department of Genetics Box 8232
        Washington University Medical School
        4566 Scott Ave.
        St. Louis, MO  63110
        FAX:   314-362-2985
        TEL:    314-362-2735
        E-mail:  mj at sequencer.wustl.edu  

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