New Saccharomyces Sequences 12/16/95

SGD Sequences yeast-seq at GENOME.STANFORD.EDU
Sat Dec 16 08:17:49 EST 1995

SC8142A     Z68194    19515bp    DNA      PLN      12-DEC-1995
    S.cerevisiae chromosome IV cosmid 8142A.
    delta element; membrane protein; MSS4; NIM2; regulatory protein;
     transposon; Ty1; UME6; YD8142A.01; YD8142A.02; YD8142A.03; UME6,NIM2;
     Ume6p; Mss4p; YD8142A.06c; YD8142A.07; TyA; TyB.

SC8142B     Z68195    20089bp    DNA      PLN      12-DEC-1995
    S.cerevisiae chromosome IV cosmid 8142B.
    ADR1; CCT1; chaperonin; delta element; GCD6; regulatory protein;
     T-complex protein 1 alpha subunit; TCP1; transfer RNA-Ile; translation
     initiation factor EIF-2B-epsilon; Ty1 transposon; zinc finger; TyB; TyA;
     Gcd6p; CCT1,TCP1; Tcp1p; YD8142B.05; YD8142B.06; YD8142B.07c; Adr1p.

SC9673      Z68196    24585bp    DNA      PLN      12-DEC-1995
    S.cerevisiae chromosome IV cosmid 9673.
    aldolase; ARO3; delta element; GCD5; KRS1; LYS14; lysine biosynthesis
     regulatory protein; lysyl-tRNA synthetase; membrane protein; P-type
     ATPase; PMR2; transfer RNA-Gln; Ty1 transposon; YD9673.01; YD9673.02c;
     YD9673.03; Lys14p; TYB,YD9673.05c; TYA,YD9673.06c; Aro3p; YD9673.08c;
     KRS1,GCD5; Krs1p; PMR2,YD9673.10c.

SCMPA43     X94214     1610bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    S.cerevisiae MPA43 gene.
    MPA43 gene; MPA43.

SCMSP8      X94215     5601bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    S.cerevisiae MSP8 gene.
    MSP8 gene; MSP8.

SCU40561    U40561     3227bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rod1p (ROD1) gene, complete cds.
    ROD1; Rod1p.

SCU40562    U40562      991bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae suppressor (SRN2) gene, complete cds.
    SRN2; Srn2p.

YSCF4233G   D44599    28650bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VI phage 4233.
    tRNA (sup4); ochre suppressor tyr-tRNA (sup4); CMK1; CaM kinase II; GSY1;
     Glycogen synthase GSY1.

YSCF6552A   D31600    20383bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VI phage 6552.
    AUA1 gene product; SMC1 gene product; cdc4 gene product; possible open
     reding frame; cdc4; cdc4 gene product which is essential for; 
     initiation of DNA replication in yeast; ; smc1; SMC1 gene product, which
     is essential for the;  control of mitotic chromosome transmission.

YSCF6781C   D44595    20120bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VI phage 6781.

YSCFGAPAI   D44601    14114bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VI plasmid GapA.

YSCFGAPCM   D44606    24491bp    DNA      PLN      14-DEC-1995
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VI plasmid GapC.

To obtain any of the yeast GenBank sequences you can use the NCBI
retrieve e-mail server, retrieve at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - send the word help
and instructions will be returned.  World Wide Web links for sequences
 SGD:    http://genome-www.stanford.edu/sacchdb/genbank_search.html
 NCBI:   http://www.nlm.nih.gov/Search/index.html
For Gopher use genome-gopher.stanford.edu and look for "Yeast
GenBank Sequence Index" in the "Saccharomyces Information" folder.
Please note that new sequences take about a week to appear in SGD.

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