Vince Schulz vschulz at fred
Fri Nov 18 13:43:58 EST 1994

We have also found that FOA added to synthetic media allows the growth of 
ura+ cells.  The trick is to leave out the buffering agents in synthetic 
media (i.e. succinic acid and NaOH), then the selection works fine.

Vince Schulz
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Hoffmacs (Hoffmacs at HERMES.BC.EDU) wrote:
: (Put in whatever greeting suits you),
: Has anyone gotten 5FOA to work in a defined minimal medium?  We'd like to
: regulate a promoter at the same time we subject our yeast to 5FOA.  For this,
: we cannot use yeast nitrogen base (because I assume it has thiamine in it-
: can the pombe nmt users corroborate this?).  I recall a previous effort by a
: grad student in my lab to include 5FOA in a defined medium resulted in growth
: of a control Ura+ strain, but we didn't pursue it at the time.  Anyone else
: look at this issue?  Aside from asking for others' experiences, how about
: addressing this theoretically?  Why doesn't 5FOA kill a Ura+ strain growing
: on a defined medium?  Does this say something about uracil biosynthesis? 
: Thank you in advance for information and speculation.
: Charlie Hoffman
: "I'd rather be fission."

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