WANTED: post-docs

CHARBONNEAU mcharbon at ens.ens-lyon.fr
Sat Nov 5 09:40:13 EST 1994

I am a newly appointed PI in a french institute (CNRS), located in Lyon.
Our lab works on the control of the cell cycle (S. cerevisiae and S.
pombe), and we are looking for post-docs. Two persons here in the lab have
been trained to the yeast cell cycle, Nathalie Grandin in Steven Reed's lab
at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, and myself,
Michel Charbonneau, in Paul Russell's lab, also at the Scripps. We are both
CNRS researchers. Our lab, which started last august, also comprises a PhD
student, another CNRS research associate, a canadian post-doc and a CNRS
	Our projects involve the study of (1) checkpoint controls between S phase
and M phase in S. cerevisiae, (2) the CDC14 S. cerevisiae gene, which
encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase, (3) complementing mutants related
with projects 1 and 2 with Xenopus cDNA libraries. Our grants cannot
provide financial support for post-docs, but I will strongly help
candidates in trying to get support from Human Frontier, EMBO or french
cancer research organizations, such as the ARC or the LIGUE. More details
on the projects upon contact. Sincerely.
Michel Charbonneau. Fax: (33) 72 72 86 86; e-mail: mcharbon at ens.ens-lyon.fr

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