Help! My plates won't gel

gc genecutl at mendel.berkeley.edu
Tue Aug 23 20:38:59 EST 1994

I've just started working with yeast again after a long
hiatus and the first thing to do was, of course, make
plates.  My YEPD plates were fine, but my minimal
plates won't solidify.  They just become very soft and
mushy after cooling down.  I first tried 20g agarose in
1 liter of media and then the second time, I tried 25g
with the same result.  I add the agarose, nitrogen base,
amino acid dropout mix, and dextrose to a liter of water,
autoclave for 30min and pour.
Does anybody know what's going on here.  It's a bit hard
to do yeast genetics if you can't make selective plates.



...while making feet for children's shoes

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