
tim stearns stearns at leland.Stanford.EDU
Mon Apr 18 21:08:22 EST 1994

In article <94108.140058U34824 at uicvm.uic.edu>,
SUSAN LIEBMAN  <U34824 at uicvm.uic.edu> wrote:
>In article <2of7rh$2ub at news.mic.ucla.edu>, colleen hayase
><hayase at ewald.mbi.ucla.edu> says:
>>The strain I plan to use for gene disruption has a trp1-289 marker.
>>What's the nature of this allele?  I'll appreciate any input.

>trp1-298 is amber.

Although I don't know the nature of trp1-289, I doubt that it is an
amber mutation because it is a non-reverting allele used for
transformation in some of the older yeast strains (from the days of
Sterile Host Yeast).  

Tim Stearns
stearns at leland.stanford.edu

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