[Urodeles] Axolotls available in Canada

The Dolls via urodeles%40net.bio.net (by liveitwell from shaw.ca)
Tue Jan 26 15:15:22 EST 2010

I am a newer pet owner of a grey and black spotted axolotls (male) approx. 7 inches to date, I have a set him up in a 30 gal tank half filled with water and a fairly natural environment; slab and large pebble rocks and live plants at the surface, water pump outflow trickling down layered rocks as a slow waterfall. I keep the temperature around 68 degrees and the PH around 6.5. I am interested in breeding him and was wondering if any of the axolotis that you have would be apporopriate. Also I was wanting some advise on feeding. I currently feed him 1 frozen square of tubifex in the am and then 3 shrimp pellets in the evening. I am wondering if this is enough of a nutritional diet for him and also whether how the quantity should increase as his size increases. 

Any advice and/or a female that you may have would be greatly appreciated.


Jennifer Doll
2358 Wild Dove Rd.
Nanaimo, BC   V9T 3T1
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