[Urodeles] Anesthetics and Analgesics for Axolotls

Jordi Cantó via urodeles%40net.bio.net (by jordi.canto from uab.cat)
Sat Apr 18 03:07:10 EST 2009

Hello Natalie,

Please, can I have the summary of responses to these questions:

1) Do axolotls need a post leg amputation analgesic? If not why not? If 
they do, what sort is appropriate? For how long into the regeneration 
period do they require painkillers?

2) Is there another anesthetic other than MS222 appropriate for 
anesthetising the axolotls for such an amputation?


Jordi Cantó Martorell
Director Servei d'Estabulari - SIAL
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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