Live Microscopy Discussions

Beat Ludin beat.ludin at lis.ch
Thu Mar 18 10:26:35 EST 1999

Dear list members

I would like to draw your attention to a newly opened forum at
http://www.lis.ch. The discussion forum features topics pertaining to
the whole area of live microscopy (i.e. microscopy on living specimen)
As this is new, the place may look rather deserted right now. But I hope
we will soon have a lively discussing community there. So if you have a
question or a topic you always wanted to discuss, don't hesitate to post it.

BTW, in order to keep spam out, all of the groups require email-verified
registration (free). There are also some special interest groups that
are only accessible to members.

See you there,


If you would like to found (and moderate) a new special interest group,
e.g. to discuss specific software or hardware on neutral ground, send
your application to forums at lis.ch.

              - visit our new web site at www.lis.ch
| Dr. B. Ludin            
| Life Imaging Services     fon ++41 (0)79 235 7154
| Muehletalweg 22           fax ++41 (0)86 062 296 3160 NEW!
| CH-4600 Olten             beat.ludin at lis.ch
| Switzerland               http://www.lis.ch

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