Colour-changing Axolotls?

John Clare clarej at tcd.ie
Wed Jun 30 09:16:00 EST 1999

I currently keep 4 axolotls in a 4 foot aquarium (filtered by an Eheim
2213 external filter). Although zoology/herpetology is not my main field
of study (I'm a chemist), I would consider myself an "expert hobbyist"
as regards amphibians (to a point). 

I have a wild-type axolotl, two golden albinos, and a white albino. All
are about 7 months old (no way of being certain). I noticed about a week
ago that one of the golden albinos seemed very very pale, and it had lost
all of the red pigment from its gills. I thought it was suffering from
some kind of ailment, but within a few hours, it was as if nothing had
happened to it (it returned to its normal colouration). Yesterday, I
noticed that the white albino had gone "deathly" white, and it was almost
like it was see-through. It too lost all of the colouration in its gills,
and yet again, within a few hours, it was perfectly normal.

Is this an ailment or something natural? I have yet to see something like
this reported or documented, so I would appreciate any feedback.



  clarej at tcd.ie      (http://www.itintelligence.com/~jc)

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