Brine Shrimp

Steve Scadding scadding at uoguelph.ca
Thu Oct 10 15:07:47 EST 1996

Both of my current sources for brine shrimp eggs can no longer supply one 
pound tins.  Since I use a lot of brine shrimp the five gram vials which 
local tropical fish shops sell are not much use.  I would greatly 
appreciate it if anyone who knows of a supplier of brine shrimp eggs (in 
one pound or larger cans) could let me know.
...Steve Scadding

Steven R. Scadding,                 Phone: 519-824-4120 Ext. 3334
Department of Zoology,              Fax:  519-767-1656
University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario,                    Email: scadding at uoguelph.CA

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