News from the IU Axolotl Colony

Susan Duhon, IU Axolotl Colony duhon at indiana.edu
Thu Feb 29 11:11:03 EST 1996

To all who use Axolotl Colony resources:

We have good news from the Axolotl Colony! Our grant from the 
National Science Foundation, which pays for the Axolotl 
Colony's operation, has been renewed for four years. We feel 
very fortunate to have this support during this period of 
budget balancing in Washington. Our thanks goes to all of you 
that wrote letters or otherwise weighed in on our behalf. 

Due to the budget constraints that the NSF is currently 
operating under -- funding at last year's level at best --the 
colony award is essentially flat, based on last year's level 
of support. The NSF is asking us to recover costs above this 
amount by implementing a system of user fees for Axolotl 
Colony materials and services.

This system will be developed over the next four to six 
months with the help of an Advisory Board, which we will be 
setting up shortly. We will do our best to set up a user fee 
structure that is fair and not unduly burdensome to the 
individual laboratory or user. The new user fee system should 
be in place by the beginning of next season.

We will be directly contacting our regular users with more 
details as they are worked out. We will also be posting 
information on the Axolotl Colony World Wide Web site 

Thanks for your understanding.

Susan Duhon

Sandra Borland

George Malacinski

Susan T. Duhon               Indiana University Axolotl Colony
Phone 812-855-8260           Jordan Hall 407
Fax   812-855-6705           Bloomington, IN 47405   USA
email duhon at indiana.edu   

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