In northern Ohio Necturus breeds in the fall from Sept to Nov. The eggs
are deposited the following spring or summer.
Not too much info on Necturus habits. Get a copy of Bishops "Handbook of
Salamanders". Tim Matson @ the Cleveland Musuem of Nat Hist did some work
with them re: pesticides. He may prove to be the best resource on nat hist
In a previous article, heisthen at mbl.edu (heather eisthen) says:
>Hi. I am trying to find out when the breeding season is for mudpuppies
>(Necturus). If anyone can tell me, or give me a reference in which to
>look, I would be grateful.
>>Heather Eisthen
>heisthen at mbl.edu>>>>--
"Edible, adj. good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to
a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and
a man to a worm."