Faculty Position Opportunity

heather eisthen heisthen at HOH.MBL.EDU
Mon Dec 5 17:36:20 EST 1994

I am forwarding this from the Neuroethology list, since it seems that there
are people on this list who study amphibian development...

>Dear Neuroethologists,
>    The Department of Biology at Texas A&M University will soon post
>the following ad in Science and Nature. We are very interested in
>researchers addressing neurobiological problems, and I'd like to
>emphasize the quality of our aquatic facilities, including
>temperature and photoperiod controlled rooms with flow-through salt-
>and fresh-water systems, large tanks and traditional aquarium
>facilities. Other departmental facilities include a Gene Technologies
>Laboratory, an Electron Microscopy Center, a Biological Imaging
>Laboratory and AAALAC accredited animal facilities. In addition, we
>have a broadly trained faculty with particular strengths in
>developmental biology of plants and microorganisms, circadian rhythm
>regulation and plant molecular biology.
>    If you know of anyone (or you yourself) who may be interested in
>this position, please convey this information to them. Thank you for
>your help.
>Vincent M. Cassone
>The Department of Biology invites applications for a tenure-track
>faculty position to complement current strengths in microbial, plant
>and invertebrate development. We are seeking an outstanding scientist
>who is studying fundamental problems of animal development at the
>cellular, molecular and/or genetic levels. We are particularly
>interested in candidates studying a model system such as zebra fish
>or Xenopus to take advantage of our extensive aquatic facilities.
>However, consideration will be given to other systems on equal
>footing. The successful candidate is expected to develop a nationally
>recognized, extramurally funded research program and to teach at both
>the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants must have a PhD
>degree or equivalent and post-doctoral experience. All application
>materials should be received by February 1, 1995. Applicants should
>submit a curriculum vitae, a description of research and teaching
>interests, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three
>referees to: Dr. Vincent M. Cassone, Chair, Developmental Biology
>Search Committee, Department of Biology, Texas A&M University,
>College Station, TX 77843-3258. FAX: (409)847-8805. e-mail:
>vmc at bio.tamu.edu. Texas A&M University is an Equal Opportunity and
>Affirmative Action Employer.

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