axolotl operations

Susan Duhon, IU Axolotl Colony duhon at INDIANA.EDU
Mon Dec 5 08:19:55 EST 1994

On 4 Dec 1994, Natalie Kim Bjorklund wrote:

> I have seen the same thing in our axolotls when we have attempted to 
> chill them and stop development for videp taping so I suspect your 
> problem is due to messing up some aspect of their development rather than 
> an effect of your operation. We stopped dropping the axolotls below 8 
> degrees and the problem vanished.This does mean we need to work faster 
> because they do keep developing. I would be very interested in knowing if 
> anyone has thoughts on why this occurs.
> Natalie K Bjorklund

At the IU Axolotl Colony, we have found that most axolotl spawns will 
tolerate down to about 10 degrees C once they have cleaved once or twice 
and that they will tolerate well to 1-5 degrees C (for up to 2-3 weeks) 
provided that they have reached blastula stage first. We regularly chill 
embryos to about 5 degrees for holding or shipping, but we always wait 
until at least the blastula stage (usually at least stage 9) before doing so.

Axolotl Newsletter 16, page 3 (1987) has a brief note by Ginsburg,
Twersky, and Cohen giving some specific numbers on survival of embryos
after cold storage. 

Susan Duhon

Susan T. Duhon               Indiana University Axolotl Colony
Phone 812-855-8260           Jordan Hall 407
Fax   812-855-6705           Bloomington, IN 47405   USA
email duhon at indiana.edu   

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