axolotl operations

malacins malacins at INDIANA.EDU
Mon Dec 5 07:36:20 EST 1994

Dear Gerry--I assume that you have antibioltics (Pen/strep) present ALL 
the time. If not, you might be experiencing infection.  Cheers, George M. 

On 3 Dec 1994, Gerry Eagleson wrote:

>      I  have a query for the uronet. Perhaps others have the same problem.
> I have been doing transplantation (head and prospective hypothalamus)
> operations on the axolotls. The embryos seem to heal fine, develop for
> awhile, but sometime later they all die! It is as if they first shed their
> skin then "blew" up! The one thing I'm doing different from previous
> successful operations is holding them in the cold (5 degress C) to
> maintaiun the neural plate stage for about 1 week prior to performing the
> operations. Could bacteria or parasites build up in the cold during this
> time?
>      Does anyone out there have similar problems ? 
>                 Jerry Eagleson
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