Job Posting

Thu Dec 1 16:47:04 EST 1994

Dr. Ellen A.G. Chernoff, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Fax: 317-274-2846
Phone: 317-274-0591


     The Department of Biology, Indiana University-Purdue University
     at Indianapolis invites applications for a tenure-track position
     beginning August 1995 at the level of Assistant Professor.  We
     seek a highly qualified individual working on genes involved in
     animal embryonic development and pattern formation, regeneration,
     or cell transformation.  Research may be on mechanisms of tissue
     interaction, cell/matrix interactions, expression and mechanism
     of action of growth factors in growth and differentiation, or
     closely related areas.  Postdoctoral training is essential.  The
     successful candidate will be expected to establish an externally
     funded research program and demonstrate a strong commitment to
     undergraduate and graduate education.  Laboratory space in a new
     research facility adjacent to the Indiana University School of
     Medicine, a competitive salary and substantial start-up funds are
     available.  The Department of Biology offers both Master's and
     Ph.D. degrees and has 21 full time faculty of professorial rank
     whose research interests include cell/molecular biology,
     developmental biology, immunology, membrane biochemistry and
     oncology.  Opportunities for collaborative research with faculty
     in the Department of Biology, other School of Science
     Departments, the School of Medicine are available and encouraged.

     Applicants should sent a curriculum vitae, three letters of
     recommendation and a statement of teaching and research interests

     Chair, Search and Screen Committee
     Department of Biology
     Indiana University-Purdue University
     723 W. Michigan St.
     Indianapolis, IN 46202-5132

     Applications must be received by January 20, 1994.

     Indiana University-Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity-
     Affirmative Actions Employer.  Women and minority candidates are
     particularly encouraged to apply.

     e-mail applications CANNOT be accepted.

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