[Protein-analysis] Help me! AIR BUBBLES trapped in HPLC column...

Joana Arroz via proteins%40net.bio.net (by joanaarroz from isa.utl.pt)
Wed Jan 13 04:48:07 EST 2016

repeat several times

2016-01-13 9:46 GMT+00:00 Joana Arroz <joanaarroz from isa.utl.pt>:

> hello,
> it´s not good to dry your column. to take the air off you need to increase
> the pressure inside the column, so close the exit for a few seconds,
> respect the maximum pressure of the column.
> after this, you need to check your column, to see if it working properly.
> best regards,
> Joana Arroz
> 2016-01-10 23:32 GMT+00:00 Bilal Majed <majedbilal from gmail.com>:
>> Hello
>> After I had completed my analysis, I switched to sequence flush overnight
>> for two hours. However I made an error in the settings and realised in the
>> next morning the method was still running and I ran out of wash phase. So
>> air was being pumped into the system and the column.
>> Please can you help me correct this mistake.
>> Hplc system- Agilent 1220 Infinity LC System
>> Column- Inertsil ODS 3V
>> Reverse phase system
>> Thank you
>> Bilal Majed
>> Sent from my iPhone
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