[Protein-analysis] Recommendation for Fermenter for Pichia

anirbn from gmail.com via proteins%40net.bio.net (by anirbn from gmail.com)
Thu Jun 21 11:47:23 EST 2012

Dear all,

 I am looking a buy a Fermenter for large scale (max. 4-5 l.) culture of Pichia to high cell densities. There are two models I am looking at

1) the Bioflo310 from New Brunswick

2) labfors 5 from ATR

Of course, I need all the usual stuff- temeprature control (through a water-jacketed system), O2 conentration control. pH control, feed lines for MeOH etc. Does anyone have any recommendation to make, from either of these or any other one ? Will be very helpful.



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