[Protein-analysis] 9th International NCCR Symposium on New Trends in Structural Biology - Registration now open

Sraboni Ghose via proteins%40net.bio.net (by s.ghose from bioc.uzh.ch)
Mon Apr 11 04:47:42 EST 2011

Dear colleagues,

NCCR Structural Biology cordially invites you to its annual symposium at 
the University of Zürich, Switzerland.

9th International NCCR Symposium on New Trends in Structural Biology
1-2 September 2011

Register online at the symposium website:

Confirmed speakers:
Jamie Cate, James J. Chou, Vadim Cherezov, Jennifer Doudna, Youxing Jiang,
Alan E. Mark, Tom Muir

This is also an opportunity to meet the State of the Art in Swiss 
Structural Biology.

Please contact us for any additional information you may require.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Best wishes,
Sraboni Ghose

The NCCR Structural Biology is a research initiative of the Swiss
Science Foundation. Its research encompasses the fields of recombinant
protein technologies, macromolecular structure determination and
computational biomolecular sciences with a special focus on membrane
proteins and supramolecular assemblies/interactions. 14 research groups
from Swiss Universities and Research Institutions participate in this


Visit the NCCR on the Internet:

Sraboni Ghose, PhD
Scientific Officer
NCCR Structural Biology
Institute of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich

Phone  +41 / (0)44 / 635 54 84
Fax    +41 / (0)44 / 635 59 08
Mail   s.ghose from bioc.uzh.ch

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