[Protein-analysis] Therapeutic drug targets database

Sciclips via proteins%40net.bio.net (by kar.sanchayita from gmail.com)
Mon Apr 5 23:17:53 EST 2010

We have created a unique and comprehensive database on therapeutic
drug targets. This database contains drug targets reported in US
patents or US/International patent applications. The drug targets are
also classified according to specific drug types (e.g. small molecule
drugs, protein drugs, antibody drugs, siRNA drugs, miRNA drugs etc.)
and disease types. The assays and methods used for characterizing each
drug targets are listed as well. In addition to this, all the drug
targets are linked to PubMed, Google Scholar, GeneBank, UniProt, USPTO
database, WO(PCT) database and Google Patents. We request you to visit
this database and give us your feedback and suggestions. Please follow
this link to view the database: http://www.sciclips.com/sciclips/drug-targets-main.do

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