[Protein-analysis] Re: RNA LABELING

Dr Engelbert Buxbaum via proteins%40net.bio.net (by engelbert_buxbaum from hotmail.com)
Fri May 22 13:11:21 EST 2009

Am 19.05.2009, 17:06 Uhr, schrieb nada mohamed <nadmsa1 from yahoo.com>:

> I am a PhD student and I am studying RNA-Protein interaction. I need a  
> protocol to label my RNA at 5'end with biotin, I found some researches  
> using megascript kit to incorporate biotin and others using Maxiscript I  
> am confused which one is suitable ? and is there any alternative  
> methods, also what is the criteria that must be taken in account for RNA  
> biotin labeling (to be sure that my RNA is not affected by biotin  
> incorporation), I mean the size of RNA the amount  
> of labeled nucleotides. Any help will be appreciated. 

Don't use any kit until you have fully understood the method and can  
perform it with standard chemicals. Then kits can save you some time.  
Doing kits blindly however is a recipe for disaster.

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