[Protein-analysis] Re: Affinity chtomatography - Sepharose vs Sephacryl?

Nick Theodorakis via proteins%40net.bio.net (by nick.theodorakis from gmail.com)
Wed Oct 15 00:02:36 EST 2008

On Oct 14, 3:48 pm, "Dr Engelbert Buxbaum"
<engelbert_buxb... from hotmail.com> wrote:
> Part of the reason may be that the old Pharmacia company no longer exists,
> it was bought first by Amersham and later by GE. It is quite possible that
> the expertise in separation technology once concentrated at Pharmacia has
> dispersed. The fact that the monographs on various separation techniques
> that Pharmacia used to offer for free are no longer maintained or even
> available (and it would be so cheap to put a pdf on their web-site)
> strongly points in that direction, as does the fact that we no longer hear
> about new techniques or matrices developed there.

I actually learned quite a bit from those booklets. Everything I
needed to know about gel filtration I learned from Pharmacia ;-)


Nick Theodorakis
nick_theodorakis from hotmail.com
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