[Protein-analysis] Call for papers for "Data Mining in Protein Interaction Networks"

Li Xiaoli via proteins%40net.bio.net (by xlli from i2r.a-star.edu.sg)
Tue Dec 16 21:14:59 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues, 

We are organizing a special session on "Data Mining in Protein
Interaction Networks" in ISIBM conference (2009 ISIBM International
Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent
Computing). Please refer the call for paper in
http://www.isibm.org/IJCBS/sessions.html for more information of this
special sessions (The main conference web site is at
<http://www.isibm.org/IJCBS/index.html> ). 

The conference will be held in Shanghai, China in Aug 3-6 and the
deadline to submit your paper is February 15, 2009. 

Please submit your paper to organizer by email
Dr. Xiaoli Li, xlli from ntu.edu.sg
Dr. Erliang Zeng, zeng from cs.miami.edu

Call for papers
Data Mining in Protein Interaction Networks 

Session Chairs: 
Dr. Xiaoli Li, School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, xlli from ntu.edu.sg
Dr. Erliang Zeng, Department of Computer Science, University of Miami,
zeng from cs.miami.edu

Biological processes in the cell are mostly carried out by complex
protein interactions between protein molecules. In recent years,
high-throughput methods (e.g. yeast-two-hybrid and tandem affinity
purification - mass spectrometry etc) for detecting protein-protein
interactions (PPIs) have enabled researchers to construct large-scale
PPI networks for various species. In these PPI networks, a node
represents individual protein, and a link between two corresponding
nodes denotes a physical interaction between the protein pair. Such
networks provide researchers unprecedented opportunities to develop new
bioinformatics methods to discover the novel biological knowledge.

The objective of this special session is to disseminate the best
research results from cross-disciplinary researchers (biologists,
computer scientists and mathematicians etc) working on analysing and
mining protein interaction networks. We hope this special session can
promote the researchers to exchange ideas, discuss the biological
fundamentals, as well as inspire new computational solutions for these
interesting and challenging problems. 

The scope of this special session includes, but not limited to, protein
interaction prediction, protein interaction network cleansing, protein
complex/functional module detection, network motif discovery, protein
function prediction, protein interaction networks and diseases,
comparative genomics, PPI network analysis by integrating with other
biological resources, network alignment /querying and visualization
tools etc.

The authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the
instructions given in the conference website. Please submit your
manuscripts to the session chairs directly (via email) before February
15, 2009.

**********************  ANNOUNCEMENT ********************************
 We have moved to Fusionopolis!
 Our official address is:
 Institute for Infocomm Research,  1 Fusionopolis Way,  #21-01 Connexis, South Tower,
 Singapore 138632.   Main line: +65 64082000. Main fax: +65 67761378
 Please visit http://www.fusionopolis.a-star.edu.sg/ for more information
 on Fusionopolis.

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