[Protein-analysis] scissile bond

Mark Nance via proteins%40net.bio.net (by mrnance from lsi.umich.edu)
Thu Dec 4 15:36:02 EST 2008


You can try Expasy's PeptideCutter:

The fold of the protein is important, because not all cleavage sites are accessible to proteases.  Conformation is important, too.  There are several protease protection assays where binding of protein / activation / etc. can be monitored by increases or decreases in susceptibility to specific proteases.


>>> "Dr. Yogendra Sharma" <yogendra from ccmb.res.in> 12/04/08 5:58 AM >>>
Hi all
Would any body help in letting us to know: how to identify scissile bonds in a protein sequence. Any web based tool or any triplet sequence related with Arg?


Yogendra Sharma
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