[Protein-analysis] FW: FPLC Support

Peter Billington via proteins%40net.bio.net (by labmend from hotmail.com)
Sun Aug 31 13:57:29 EST 2008

Dear Sirs=2C Scientific Instrument Repairs Ltd=2C based in the UK=2C would =
like to inform you that we offer an experienced maintenance and repair serv=
ice for the full range of Amersham/Pharmacia FPLCTM instruments=2C many of =
which are no longer supported by the OEM manufacturer.  For a quotation ple=
ase do not hesitate to call or e-mail. Contact: Peter Billington. tel: 0796=
0 445672  e-mail: labmend from hotmail.com   =20
Win New York holidays with Kellogg=92s & Live Search

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