[Protein-analysis] Re: looking for a software to predict my protein structure...!

Dr Engelbert Buxbaum via proteins%40net.bio.net (by engelbert_buxbaum from hotmail.com)
Mon Nov 26 07:14:03 EST 2007

Am 23.11.2007, 20:15 Uhr, schrieb <bazmohd from gmail.com>:

> if any one can help...iam looking for a software or awebsite to
> predict my protein structure...! iam working with a promissing
> protein.

There are web-servers that offer such models, for example  
www.predictprotein.org/ or bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/psipred/, but they take a  
leap of faith in their results. Even limiting to the 4 most common  
structural elements (helix, strand, turn, coil) you have to expect that a  
quarter of the residues are assigned the wrong structures. And rarer  
structures (pi-helix, 3-10 helix, poly-proline helix...) are not even  

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