[Protein-analysis] Re: Is there a way to list proteins sorted by MW?

Raoul Fleckman via proteins%40net.bio.net (by raoul.fleckman from nospagmail.com)
Mon Jun 25 17:49:29 EST 2007

On 2007-06-25, Dario Lombardi <lombardi.dario from gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a young PhD student in Rome at the ISS and I have a question.
> Does anyone know if there is some online protein database (like ensemble or
> similar) that let you show a list of proteins sorted by Molecular Weight.
> i.e. I want to show a list of all the known human proteins with a MW between
> 80 and 90 KDa.
> I hope you can help me!
> Thank you very much
> Dario

It boggles why anyone would care to know that, (and if that means
monomeric or active multimer), regardless the PDB database
(http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/search/advSearch.do) under its "advanced
search" has Molecular Weight as one of its query types.  Currently it
"evaluates subquery" of between 80000 and 90000 Da at 1587 structures.
You then would have to limit (sub-query) those to human sources.  This
is -not- a list of "all the known human" proteins but it's not the worst
first approximation.

good luck

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