[Protein-analysis] Re: Blue native PAGE problems

Dr Engelbert Buxbaum via proteins%40net.bio.net (by engelbert_buxbaum from hotmail.com)
Mon Jun 25 15:24:06 EST 2007

Am 21.06.2007, 03:33 Uhr, schrieb Hubert Mayerhofer <m_hubert from gmx.at>:

> I prepared the buffers accordingly to the protocol in the paper yet I
> didn't cast a gradient gel but a homogenous one as this was also
> described to work in a different paper (Reif, S., Voos, W. & Rassow, J.
> Intramitochondrial dimerization of citrate synthase characterized by
> blue native electrophoresis. Anal. Biochem. 288, 97–99 (2001).) (and to
> simplify the casting as I'm lacking the equipment).

You could cast a step gradient (10--12 steps) to test this, as such gel  
give essentially the same result as linear gradients. This requires not  
much equipment except a steady hand ;-)

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