[Protein-analysis] Practical Course on Biomolecular Modelling

Patrick Sticher via proteins%40net.bio.net (by sticher from bioc.unizh.ch)
Thu Jul 26 05:15:13 EST 2007

Dear colleagues,

please be informed that online applications are accepted for the 
following course:


January 6 - 11, 2008
Kandersteg, Switzerland

Course topics include
Simulation techniques, force-field development, conformational search, 
computation of free energy and entropy, treatment of electrostatic 
forces, simulation of folding, comparison of simulation with experiment

This course is primarily directed to PhD students and postdocs from 
experimental structural biology groups wishing to learn more on 
biomolecular modelling. The course format will include morning lectures 
and late-afternoon/early evening tutorials, and provide ample 
opportunities for discussions with experts and fellow participants. The 
course will be organized as a winter retreat in the Swiss Alps offering 
a stimulating learning atmosphere with the afternoons available for 
informal participation in discussions, reading, self-study or 
recreational activities in the area.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online on 
www.structuralbiology.unizh.ch/course2008.asp. Application deadline will 
be October 10. We will be able to accept 20 participants to this course.

Best regards,
Patrick Sticher

Dr. Patrick Sticher Moser
NCCR Scientific Officer
Institute of Biochemistry
University of Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH - 8057 Zürich

Phone    +41 / (0)44 / 635 54 84
Fax    +41 / (0)44 / 635 59 08
Mail    sticher from bioc.unizh.ch

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