[Protein-analysis] MicroCAL Origin 7.0 Software for ITC

Tyler Collins via proteins%40net.bio.net (by collinst824 At duq.edu)
Fri Jan 19 16:51:27 EST 2007

I am attempting to use our ITC MCS Unit from MicroCal to quantify the
homodimer dissociation of a dimeric protein to monomer.  Unfortunately,
homodimeric species are difficult to analyze using the old Origin software.
In addition, MicroCal will not provide a free upgrade in software to
accommodate the models you want to use.  Instead, they are charging $2500
for software that includes a dimer dissociation model that would be useful
to my work.  Does anyone know where to get a possible bootleg version of the
software, or do you have suggestions, books, articles that may aid in
helping me write my own macro?

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